
Legal case management software

We know you work hard for your community. We also know there’s far too much work to do manually. That can be stressful and disheartening, especially when you know you could be making a bigger impact.

We believe you should have the tools you need to do your important work.

CityLaw and CountyLaw save you and your team hours a week by making case and risk management efficient and intuitive.

Stop losing time to manual tasks and disorganization. Let’s bring CityLaw/CountyLaw to your team so you can start feeling effective and certain of your work, and serve your people even better.

You shouldn’t have to fight your tools to get your work done.

CityLaw and CountyLaw make it easy to track, search, update, and share data, so you can focus on what only you can do.

Web and Mobile

CityLaw and CountyLaw web and mobile apps securely deliver your matter data where you need it, whether that’s in the office, in the courtroom, or at home.


By default

Complying with data protection and privacy laws is harder than ever.

Without a legal case management system, it can be extremely difficult (if not impossible) to know that you are safeguarding sensitive information collected from your residents and handling it securely.

CityLaw and CountyLaw provide a ready solution to these problems and more, and we would love to bring them to your City or County.

Both our web and mobile apps secure your data with an industry-standard OAuth 2.0 identity perimeter, including multi-factor authentication.

This minimizes your exposure to login-based attacks, because when your users sign in, their access is time-limited and scoped to only those resources to which they require access, and user credentials are not passed back and forth to the back-end API. These are just a few of the benefits.

  1. Secure Access.

  2. Disaster Recovery.

  3. Data Encryption.

Cloud Storage

Information security for mission-critical data is a high-stakes enterprise. It’s a daunting task to undertake and can be very stressful to implement and monitor. So we’ve done that for you.

CityLaw and CountyLaw are your digital vault for easy access to all legal files, anytime, from anywhere. Your files are secured with 256-bit AES encryption, applied both at rest and in transit.

Disaster Recovery is taken care of for you as well. Automatic backups ensure your data and files are safe and sound, even in the face of the unexpected.

Your electronic files contain a wealth of insight and information, but without the necessary searching tools, it’s inaccessible.

Even with an effective naming convention and organization system, standard searching can waste valuable time and is subject to human error.

We aim to fix that.


Full-Text Searching

Document Contents. Optical Character Recognition. Image Content Descriptions.

Document Contents. Optical Character Recognition. Image Content Descriptions.


Document Contents


CityLaw and CountyLaw’s secure cloud storage utilizes AI-enriched full-text indexing to make your file contents searchable, including images and PDFs.

Don’t waste the information and insight available to you. Utilize your data to the fullest.